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About Us


To live a FULL life, you gotta fill your tummy first.
Welcome to GB CURRY BUN

We are seriously into presenting and serving you a good tongue with our Ipoh-authentic traditional cuisine — the savoury chicken curry in a bun!

欢迎光临 GB Curry Bun, 体验一趟让你回味无穷的传统家乡美食之旅。
我们秉承以最新鲜最上乘的材料烹制出色香味俱全的咖喱面包鸡, “呈现经典传统之余,也确保 价格大众化 “的理念,把这传统美食,发扬光大!

Chicken Curry Bun

A comfort food that most Ipoh-rians grew up eating, especially when they are quick and easy to whip up a good meal to share among the family members and friends.

首家 GB Curry Bun 食府,开设在怡保。拥有“锡都”之称的它。这里同时也以马来西亚华人美食闻名。我们为这以美食闻名的故乡,增添了多一份浓浓的传统家乡风味咖喱味,让广大的食客可以在视觉和味觉上得到至高无上的享受!

Exquisite Taste

GB CURRY BUN does not serve the most exquisite-looking food but the food with most exquisite taste.

From sourcing the best herbs and spices to get the perfect ratio and consistency for the curry gravy which both appease to one’s hunger and beneficial to health.

The combo of the buttery-soft bun being soaked up with the savoury, peppery chicken curry is just “OH” so simple yet comforting.

GB Curry Bun 的咖喱面包鸡外表看起来像一个金小枕头,但我们绝对给予最道地最正宗的味道。从细心筛选食材,深厚的搓面粉功力到纯熟的烘培经验,都是经过多年的研究和调和,才可以烹饪出这道味道香浓、口感顺滑的咖喱面包鸡。把金黄酥脆以及充满奶油香味的面包浸入饱满多汁的咖喱鸡里既简单却让您垂涎三尺。

GB Curry Bun offers not only Original Chicken Curry Bun

By exploring and taste-testing several new recipes to provide more varieties for our customers and eventually came out with some other flavours such as Pandan, Rendang, Cheese and Charcoal.

Spoilt for choices yet!? If you’re worried the portion to be too big for two persons, fret not!

We have two sizes for our customers to choose with which both cater for a minimum of two persons or maximum of four persons!

We also provide extra spicy Chicken Curry Bun to cater based on our customers’ spice preference, so spice cravers, don’t you worry, we serve extra spicy for you, cravers to satisfy your crave.

为了追求创新口味满足消费者需求我们也调和出几个不同的口味供顾客选择例如,班兰、仁当、芝士、以及炭烧。GB Curry Bun 也提供加辣的咖喱面包鸡来迎合顾客对辣味的需求,深爱着辛辣的粉丝或者是对辛辣又爱又恨的朋友们可以依据自己的喜好来享用这份传统佳肴。

Let out a muffled “yurrrrmmmy”!

Allow yourself to indulge in this local cuisine that is freshly made daily and bet that you could barely stop between mouthfuls to let out a muffled “yurrrrmmmy”!


Share the food! Do drop us GB Curry Bun a visit and you’ll never regret!

Both dine in and to-go are available for you to bring home with some goodness to share with your friends and family!

What’s more, this appetizing dish from us is both pork and lard free which you could share it among your friends from different cultures and background, that being said, ‘Food brings us together’.

So, share the food! Do drop us GB Curry Bun a visit and you’ll never regret!

GB Curry Bun 提供堂食以及外卖让您可以把这道地的怡保美食带回家与友人一起享受这份传统美 食的家乡味。除此之外,我们提供的面包鸡是不含猪肉成分,顾客也可以把这美味的传统美食分 享给其他友族同胞分享,让更多人知道这道怡保传统美食。谢谢各位的支持。

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Contact Number

012-969 9049

Business Hour

Monday to Sunday

11 AM - 9 PM


Chicken Curry Bun


Chicken Curry Bun


Chilli Crab Bun


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